Both sexes equally likely to suffer domestic violence.
Alan Travis
Home Affairs Editor
The Guardian, fri22jan99, p12.
Men are increasingly the victims of domestic violence, and are just as likely as women to be assaulted by a partner, according to Home Office research published yesterday.
The men most likely to be attacked are in their early 30s and unmarried, but living with a woman.
The findings, from the British Crime Survey, show there are some 6.6 million incidents of assault in the home each year, evenly split between men and women.
But the research also shows that women are twice as likely to be injured, and are much more likely to suffer repeated attacks. They are also less likely to be in the financial position to be able to leave a violent relationship.
It also shows that the rise in domestic attacks on men by women is a 1990s phenomenon. In 1995 just over 4 per cent of men and women said they had been assaulted by a current or former partner in the last year. But 23 per cent of women said they had been assaulted by a partner at some time - 15 per cent of men.
Women are at greatest risk after a relationship has broken up if they and their spouse have separated. The researchers say women have a different reaction to separation, and are less likely to use violence to express their feelings: "Women's violence against men is, therefore, more likely to be within the context of a relationship."
The research was published as the Home Office Minister, Paul Boateng and the Leader of the Lords, Baroness Jay, launched Break the Chain, a domestic violence leaflet giving practical advice and listing telephone helplines, including a men's advice line.
"Domestic violence wrecks lives. Much of it is literally criminal," said Mr. Boateng. "All of it is unacceptable. But a basic shift in attitudes is required. We must work towards the day when such conduct is universally recognised as reprehensible."
The study by Home Office researchers Catriona Mirrlees-Black and Carole Byron found that in most cases the violence involved pushing and grabbing, but in 47 per cent of incidents the victim was also kicked, slapped or punched. About half the attacks resulted in injury, most commonly bruising, but one in 10 involved cuts and a small minority broken bones.
Throwing things at each other happens in one in five cases, and in about a third of cases children in the home either witnessed the attack or were aware of it.
Only half of victims of domestic assault told anyone about it - normally a friend, neighbour or relative. The police were only told about 12 per cent of incidents.
For men and women, East Anglia has the highest level of domestic assault, followed by the North and Yorkshire/Humberside. Assaults are below average in London and the South-East, and women in the East Midlands and men in Wales are at the lowest risk.
Domestic Violence: Home Office Research Study 191; HMSO.
Domestic Violence. A third view.
To Libby Brooks, Journalist, The Guardian
I believe that I diverge the all of the Men's Movements. I believe we are on our way out of the frying pan into the fire. You told me that a Home Office press release today "British Crime Survey" (which will be in the press tomorrow, including your report in the Guardian
[in the event under the byeline of Alan Travis]), reported that violence in the family against men was larger than they had thought, and actually was about equal to violence against women. (Note in passing the dishonesty of the recent TV programme on the subject, (Dispatches ch4 7.1.99 9pm 50mins) where the woman pulled her punches by the give-away remark that although serious, violence against men was only 10% of violence against women. The producers of a previous programme were made under pressure from Whiston because they had done a programme on violence against women. The woman in charge then double-crossed him and blew it while appearing to give equal time. A dirty trick. It is not sufficient for her to reply that she did not have the statistics. The programme was three months in the making, and through Whiston she had access to the good statistics by George and Yarwood. (The programme had been postponed once already for the much more important subject of violence against animals!)) (Note in passing also the misbehaviour of Boateng, who recently did enormous damage by saying "Violence against men in the family does not exist." Now look at what he seems to be quoted as saying in the 22jan99 report from his own department. The damage from his previous incompetent, anti-social behaviour remains, and is added to anti-social behaviour by so many other major figures. He cannot put it right now. He just bends with the breeze; slippery as an eel. The recent propaganda by Boateng and Jay implied that only men were violent, which the close reading of the 22jan99 report does not actually indicate they have retracted. They really are anti-social rogues.)I made a breakthrough which is highly relevant. By chance, I was expertin the AIDS Industry (see my website), worth about $4 billions per year,and then came to the Global Warming Industry, also worth $4 billions peryear. Study of the build-up of racketeering vested interests (Jay took part in the AIDS racket) in each of these fields is called "Public Choice Theory". The failure of the number of AIDS patients to increase threatens the job security of AIDS workers etc. so the clinical definition is ever expanded to increase the number of "patients" who can then carry the AIDS professionals and the drug companies. Exactly the same happens in the Global Warming Industry, where many jobs disappear if global warming is doubted. The scientific evidence is rigged. See p75 in the 1997 book "Climate Change" put out by IEA, tel. 0171 799 3745. The parallel between the AIDS industry and the Global Warming Industry is exact. The western world's Domestic Violence Industry (DV) will presumably settle down to the same $4 billions per year. To do this, definition of DV has to be enlarged (and confused), as is being done. Thus, the anti-family lobby (radical feminists and homosexuals) will ally with the DV Professionals to inflate figures. Properly, UKMM should be in favour of the family, not of blackening women as much as men are being blackened. However, the innocent UKMM members did not go through my experience, of thoroughly studying the AIDS Industry and then turning to the Global Warming Industry, and seeing the common theme - Public Choice Theory (PCT). (For further analysis of PCT see the 1998 US book "Cancer Scam". It analyses in depth the manipulation of public opinion in order to steer public money in particular directions. UKMM is totally ignorant of this theory.)
Ivor Catt. 21jan99
Is the Men's Movement against women, or against the family, or against both? Or are they just less intelligent than radical feminists? - IC 23jan99. Read on;
Feminist agenda.
In the course of her research for the next edition of her book Farewell the Family? [pub. IEA, tel. 0171 799 3745], Patricia Morgan came across the following passage from a feminist textbook on marriage, The Ties that Bind, pub. 1984:
The idea of abolishing marriage may sound as attractive as the classical communist call to abolish the family, but such demands are probably as unpopular as they are unrealistic. It would be far more effective to undermine the social and legal need and support for the marriage contract. This could be achieved by withdrawing the privileges which are currently extended to the married heterosexual couple. [These include not vindictively exaggerating the statistics on stress within marriage. IC23jan99.] Such a move would not entail any punitive sanctions but would simply extend legal recognition of different types of households and relationships, and would end such privileges as the unjustified married man's tax allowance. Illegitimacy would also be abolished by realising the right of all women, whether married or single, to give legitimacy to their children.
This plan of action has been put into effect with complete success. We are now struggling to cope with the consequences as can be seen in the government's consultation document Supporting Families.
- Family Bulletin no. 94, winter 98/99, published by Family And Youth Concern, email , tel 01865 351966.